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How to set up GitHub Action

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a GitHub Action to automatically translate your repository's content using the Frenglish SDK.


  1. A GitHub repository where you want to implement the translations
  2. A Frenglish API key (get it at under your cli/sdk project in the developer setting's tab)

Setup Steps

  1. Create the GitHub Action workflow file

    Create a new file in your repository at .github/workflows/frenglish-translation.yml and copy the provided GitHub Action code into it.

     name: Frenglish Translation

    - '**' # This will trigger on pushes to any branch

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    contents: write
    pull-requests: write
    - name: Checkout code
    uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Setup Node.js
    uses: actions/setup-node@v3
    node-version: '18'

    - name: Install dependencies
    run: |
    npm install
    npm install frenglish-sdk

    - name: Get branch name
    id: branch-name
    run: echo "branch=${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    - name: Run translation script
    run: node .github/scripts/translate.js

    - name: Create Pull Request
    uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    commit-message: Add translated files
    title: "Frenglish Translation Update for ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.branch }}"
    body: "This PR contains updated translations for the changed files in branch ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.branch }}."
    branch: ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.branch }}-frenglish-translations
    base: ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.branch }}
  2. Set up the Frenglish API key

    Store your Frenglish API key as a GitHub secret:

    a. Go to your repository on GitHub b. Click on "Settings" > "Secrets and variables" > "Actions" c. Click "New repository secret" d. Name: FRENGLISH_API_KEY e. Value: Your Frenglish API key f. Click "Add secret"

  3. Create the translation script

    Create a new file at .github/scripts/translate.js. This script will use the Frenglish SDK to perform the translations. Here's a basic example:

     const { execSync } = require('child_process');
    const fs = require('fs').promises;
    const path = require('path');
    const FrenglishSDK = require('frenglish-sdk').default;

    const ORIGIN_LANGUAGE_DIR = 'src/locales/en'; // Adjust this to your origin language directory
    const FRENGLISH_API_KEY = process.env.FRENGLISH_API_KEY;
    const frenglish = new FrenglishSDK(FRENGLISH_API_KEY);

    async function getChangedFiles() {
    try {
    // First, try to get changed files between the last two commits
    console.log('Attempting to get changed files from git diff...');
    const output = execSync('git diff --name-only HEAD^ HEAD').toString().trim();
    const changedFiles = output.split('\n').filter(file => file.startsWith(ORIGIN_LANGUAGE_DIR));
    console.log('Changed files:', changedFiles);

    if (changedFiles.length > 0) {
    return changedFiles;
    } else {
    console.log('No changed files found in the origin language directory. Falling back to all files.');
    } catch (error) {
    console.log('Error getting changed files:', error.message);
    console.log('Falling back to all files in the origin language directory.');

    // Fallback: get all files in the origin language directory
    console.log('Getting all files from:', ORIGIN_LANGUAGE_DIR);
    const allFiles = execSync(`find ${ORIGIN_LANGUAGE_DIR} -type f`).toString().trim().split('\n');
    console.log('All files:', allFiles);
    return allFiles;

    async function main() {
    try {
    const filesToTranslate = await getChangedFiles();

    if (filesToTranslate.length === 0) {
    console.log('No files to translate');

    console.log('Files to translate:', filesToTranslate);

    const fileContents = await Promise.all( (file) => {
    const content = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8');
    return { fileId: path.basename(file), content };

    const filenames = => file.fileId);
    const contents = => file.content);

    console.log('Initiating translation...');
    console.log("contents", contents);

    // Adjust the translate call based on the SDK's expected parameters
    const translation = await frenglish.translate(filenames, contents);
    console.log(`Translation requested with ID: ${translation.translationId}`);

    for (const languageData of translation.content) {
    const language = languageData.language
    const translatedFiles = languageData.files

    console.log("language", language);
    console.log("translatedFiles", translatedFiles);

    for (const translatedFile of translatedFiles) {
    const originalFile = filesToTranslate.find(file => path.basename(file) === translatedFile.fileId);
    if (originalFile) {
    const translatedFilePath = originalFile.replace(`/en/`, `/${language}/`);
    await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(translatedFilePath), { recursive: true });
    await fs.writeFile(translatedFilePath, translatedFile.content);
    console.log(`Translated file written: ${translatedFilePath}`);
    } else {
    console.warn(`Original file not found for translated file: ${translatedFile.fileId}`);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error during translation process:', error);
    if (error.response) {
    console.error('Response status:', error.response.status);
    console.error('Response data:', await error.response.text());


    Adjust this script as needed to fit your specific translation requirements.

  4. Update your package.json

    Ensure your package.json includes the Frenglish SDK as a dependency:

    "dependencies": {
    "frenglish": "^1.0.1"
  5. Commit and push your changes

    Add the new files to your repository:

    git add .github/workflows/frenglish-translation.yml .github/scripts/translate.js
    git commit -m "Add Frenglish translation GitHub Action"
    git push
  6. Verify the Action

    After pushing your changes: a. Go to your repository on GitHub b. Click on the "Actions" tab c. You should see the "Frenglish Translation" workflow running

How it works

  1. The action is triggered on every push to any branch.
  2. It checks out your code and sets up Node.js.
  3. It installs the necessary dependencies, including the Frenglish SDK.
  4. It runs your translation script, which uses the Frenglish SDK to translate your files.
  5. If changes are made, it creates a new pull request with the translated files.


  • You can adjust the trigger in the workflow file to run on specific branches or events.
  • Modify the translate.js script to handle different file types or translation processes as needed.
  • Update the pull request creation step if you want to change how the translations are submitted for review.


If you encounter any issues:

  1. Check the Action logs in the GitHub Actions tab for error messages.
  2. Ensure your Frenglish API key is correctly set in the repository secrets.
  3. Verify that your translate.js script is correctly using the Frenglish SDK.

Remember to keep your Frenglish API key secret and never commit it directly to your repository.